I can’t ask you
to love me
any more
than some fool
can ask me
to write poetry
for them
the rain
only comes
when the cloud
grows too heavy
and lightening
I’m sure
tries desperately
every moment
not to strike
and thunder
is so loud
and powerful
because it only speaks
when it cant be quiet
at all
like poetry
is a storm
that breaks
when the world
grows too hot
and wet
not to drench
us all
and quench
the thirst
of longing
that has driven life
like poetry
like the rain
is a force
that falls
how it feels
you cant bargain
with the weather
you cant romance the wind
you cannot win the
heart of the storm
you just wait
for the world
to wash away
what it wets
when it wants
like a lover
or a poet
who cant help
but soak your heart