Make me chase you, my love
Make me run
till i sweat
till i dry
Force me to struggle
Insist i persist
Dupe me with false victory
and have me hunt again
Inspire my desire
my love
but relent not
Don’t give in
from telling me
to give up
Ever evade
my invasive reverence
Always slip nimble or nibble
through my sticky fingers
with your slick wet beauty
Dance between the chances of my happiness
Mock my misery
taunt my tears
bleed me dry my love
suck out my essence
my whole old soul
and spit it back in my face
so it appears as tears
so know one knows
how happy i am
that you make me
who i am
Will me to work
Hone my hopeless craft
Instruct my instrument
till i dull the point
of my epic pen
in pursuit
of the worlds most wondrous words
As i strive for true unattainable treasure
this earths most rare gift
let me scout this phantom artifact
this ridiculous never existent imaginary relic
this figment that eternally
I will beg, plead, cry, bargain, cajole
and conspire to seduce from you
With the sweetest, loveliest
most highly regard-able
elegantly elaborate
or bestially beautiful
gravely gorgeous
crafted living language
the most preciously pristine
perfectly precise pinnacle prose
ever to dance from mind to tongue
to delicate refined ear
such shall i scribble
madly every moment
I, frantic
search for this fantastic myth
known as your mercy
for this lie
this promise of your pity
I will die
a poet