if you are ever coming out of a tough time, eat right. you might not want to but its the way to turn it around. Eat foods that rebuild your neurotransmitters. alot of what we think of as sadness and anxiety comes down to worn out, over taxed, and stressed organs and your overall state of inflammation from toxicity of all kinds. Cortisol and lactic acid.
bring nutrition in and work your muscles out. and put your brain on paper. so theres no reason to hang out to stories or perspectives which may or may not be true just so you dont lose them. lose it on paper and call it on poem.
In a strange state of manic anxiety under the mirage of abandonment layed down by someone who was never there, ive written my 13th collection of poems, over the past few days.
Its strange how when art shows up, everything feels priceless, fated, inevitable, and gorgeous in the triumph of creative survival.
Poetry has always been there for me. Giving me something to love when nothing and no one else comes thru.
And it stays.