everything is meant to be
even if it seems mean to me
i cant help but think
the universe likes to wink
every time i blink
so many signs in synch!
all i want to know is
who the hell wrote this?
whose the terrible writer
that said my character should like her?
whos the horrible author
who thought it would be cool if i lost her?
whos the wicked editor
that revised the script so it led to her?
why did he make it so funny
that i loved her and she didnt love me?
its so up front and obvious
and constant that its ominious
something above us in the sky or deep in us, in our minds
really likes to fuck with us all the time
so many instances
of cosmic coincidances
how do we live with this
i want to rip the script to bits
who can believe this shit?
fate must think we’re idiots
let me tell you
its awful
everything that happens is impossible
everything is meant to be
even if it seems mean to me