i want a girl
to write me
scathing angry poetry
scintillating sonnets
of vicious literature
i want a girl
to write me
totally pissed of prose
that hits me in the face
and breaks my big fat nose
poetry that cracks my back
poetry like a whip held by the lips
poetry chained to pain
poetry like poison coursing thru my veins
i want a girl to write me poetry
that exposes the truth
of who i am,
tears of my blinders,
forcing me to stare
at every vile molecule of my essence
i want a girl
to write me
swift cutting haiku’s
bars of rap
that hit hard and attack
rhymes that nimbly expose
the sickness of my soul
tearing every limb from head to toe
i want a girl
to write me poems
that rend my flesh
that scar my back
that rip out all i have of hair
i want a girl
to write me poems
that care enough
to hurt.
i want a girl
to write me
that proves
love true.