when i write you poems
our love is alive
when i hold a pen
or i stroke the keys
it is as though i hold you
and gently sift through your lovely locks
your delicate tendrils
when i stare at a blank white sheet
or into a screen
or into a scrap of paper
and i imagine my muse
it is your eyes i see peering back
when i call to heaven and pray for words
when i summon angels and commission art
when i banish demons and chronicle their retreat
i scribe my love for you
i etch my love into the irreplaceable ether
i carve our love into the tree of life
and though you choose for me to go
and banish me into the black night
i leave for you a trail of poems to follow
so when your mind clears of wondering
and your feet tire of wandering
you will know
your way home
to my heart