singularity hilarity

caterpillar playing kaliopes of chaos
on comets controlled by aliens wandering in space lost
the dying of the dinosaurs the rising of the robots
the coming of time that history has written off

the lava flows the water steams the glass building the laser beams
the avalanche the sunami the angels play the sky gladly

the summer song the winter wind the fall of the spring
the mullosks shells the wine and wells the eagles on the wing
the bells we’ve come to ring

the glaciers burst the rising tides the moons glides quickly by
oh cascades of radiance tell us when to live and die
to laugh and love or cry
never do we ask why
every answer is a lie

the spirit realm the astral plane the inner minds third eye
the spice of the desert the blood and milk and sky
the pleasure we deserve before deserted we die
the final trumpet heard mankind lined up side by side

the shattering of mountains the collapsing of the clouds
the coming of the clowns
do what that wilt is now allowed
invisible in a crowd
sacred as a cow
and the mushrooms its shits grows proud

the melding of all mental states
the arrival of hive mind
the inherent denial
of who decides who survives
when you cant
lie to stay alive
or just lay down and die
oh this final flight
from darkness into to light
finally in our site
its fright that you must fight
its your right to write whats right

your never bored when your the borg
hop on board



