Let me tell you
Childhood can bust you
Leave you addicted to struggle
Hoping somebody loves you
When theyre just out to fuck you
Some people are hoping
to find some one open
that they can leave broken
Say i was just joking
And deep down you know it
Thats when you realize
my my
Aint pain familiar?
You must have the same dealer
You did as a kid and still need a fix
Take me for granted
Give me disrespect
Give me your malice
and ice cold neglect
Drink from the chalice
into which i bled
Lavish my madness
such nostalgic threats
Mommy and daddy
got a divorce
So just treat me badly
and ill always be you
Their constant fighting
before my child aged eyes
Makes it so exciting
when you rage and you lie
I would make wishes
They would break dishes
Let me tell you
Childhood can bust you
Leave you addicted to struggle
Hoping somebody loves you