love is all you need to put you on your knees
leave you begging please, free me of this disease
love is all you got, to make you feel so hot
your heart wants to stop and then start to rot
love is just a sickness, it twists the lips of misfits
it rips the listless who cant resist it
kills them quick with kisses
love is a high, a passion that hijacks your actions
grabs two hearts to smash them
leave them both in traction
love is corrupt confusion. what the fuck you doing?
doom is truly looming, when man pursues a woman
cupids pretty stupid. the day we met, a rue it
since then I’m filled with fluid
consumed in tears and mucus
love is just a curse on your wallet or your purse
swallow it till it hurts
it’s a his and hers hearse
love is all you need
to put you on your knees
leave you begging please
free me of this disease