Sub Mission

Watch her sell her hell her self
while you try to comply
with every lie she tells

You fail, you fall, you fated fool
You depraved slave, dripping with drool, you tool

Feel your hurt rain upon poor earth
She comes in spurts
You squirt your worth into her purse

You’re curved and cursed, carved and coerced
and so you serve at her hot hearth

You shallow empty hollow man, waiting for when
she lets you follow again

See the violence of her mind
then leave for silence till the end of time

Shes really got you in a bind
She fills boys with a void quiet and blind
She’s kind of unkind

She’s a princess behaving so badly
I lose interest in all other reality

I go mad when she gets mad at me
her minor inconvenience
is my complete catastrophe
She has no reason
to act so rascally
after wrapping me up
in a slow rhapsody

Everything she says feels like a loving slap to me
I’m coming before she asks for me

She’s like a pack of ants
artfully attacking me

her warm swarm stings

Princess, goddess, divine royal queen
you subordinate suffers

You’re inordinately mean
You made an ornament of me
You order me to bleed

Is my broken heart worth anything?
My hopeless devotion is your loyal plaything

I promise I have no choice
but to be destroyed by your soft voice

Baby let me savor, please
the flavored taste of slavery



