Category: the Pain Collectors
You dont deserve this poem (poem)
when i write you poems our love is alive when i hold a pen or i stroke the keys it is as though i hold you and gently sift through your lovely locks your delicate tendrils when i stare at a blank white sheet or into a screen or into a scrap of paper and…
untouchable sky tornripped by flaming ribbons slow bursts of sapphire and rubywhich yield in turnto smoldering embers of ash antiquity’s infernosrelinquish themselves,give in to a billowing rage,of minuscule smokethat kicks toward the clouds, as the wax around the wickheats up and falls and the sun descends,bowing to the rising night. a thumb of flame holds…
flickering figments of you in the firmament
dreams all day distracting meclouds of fantasycast in the sky of my mind your loveliness upon my hearthypnotized by memoriesI search the corners of my consciousnessbewildered by your continuous conspicuous absence life is a rose with no petalswithout your lips life is a song with no melodywithout your voice life is a game with no…
Ghost of the tabernacleRising into the etherAbiding the abyssAs an old friend left behind Creating a new devotionA liar’s greatest artCast away the embersOf a former raging flameA forgotten inferno Night falls day breaks Around us the world grows frost,the cobwebs and the tumbleweedsform and flow And our love becomes a relic lostIn the dimension…
she is gloriousa herald of the ancient wisdomcome to cleanse me of the anger of my ignorance she washes away the shadows in lightholding a mirror to my darknessreflecting the truth of who amin my own eyes she does so with her subtletyher glancebillowing smokeher supple formclouds raining upon snakes of song the merriment of…
love and time and rivers
time is a river it flows and the details in the waves are lost in words in language love is like time it is a nuanced form inexplicable confused terrifying love is like the rapids it is white foam gurgling crushing us against the rock love is like the mellow banks a gentle lapping against…
My cruel mistress with her dark twinkling eyesThe secrets she hides behind crossed arms within her breast Why does she mock me?She knows I am undeserving of her laughter But she will not love meWithout a toll Why do I ask her questionsShe is not obliged to answerthough she is glad I want to know…
for you my love i shall collect leaves many green or brown, fresh or crackly and each of these leaves i will name and all of these leaves will my friends for i love all the world because that is what we share i will name every butterfly that floats my way and i will…
she sings her songs to kalias I write my poems for her black tar burns its way down a roof that shall never be thatched right I must be a third rate masochist forI study at the footof the servantof the master They with their lecherous treachery have made me a cuckold Oh Servant! Oh…
I saw an angel drop from heavenlike beef jerky from the sky he told me the aliens are comingnow I know we are all going to die so there is one last chance to fall in loveone last chance to fall in love I saw an angeldrop from heavenlike a slab of meat from up…