Category: the Pain Collectors

  • How Does She Do This, Make Feel Confused and Stupid, Till i Either Lose It or Go Buddhist (i dont know nothing bout nothin’ man)

    she stripped meof my manhood and proclaimed me god of poetsshe robbed from me of my ego and returned me boddhisatva she relieved me of my lessonsand informed meof my ignorance she denied me my ideals,disproved dogma and left megroveling and grateful and so i reward her with pure love but dont know whoor whereshe…

  • Give. Up

    Surrender your loveto the moonand the dirt Surrender your loveto the sky and seasthe forestand the mountain Surrender your loveto the city and the streets, the earth and the oceanthe valleys and the peaks, the streams the rivers Surrender your loveto the pastto the unknownto the forgotten Surrender your loveto the possibilitiesto the futureto the…

  • Dead men don’t write poems

    Dead mendon’t write poemsmy loveand dead mendon’t sing songs don’t make lovemy loveor hold youall night long Dead don’t bring flowersor chocolates in a box Dead men don’t deliver diamondsthat mean so much morethan justthe rock A dead mancannot look you in the eyeand say that you are mine And a dead manwon’t declarethat you…

  • Knots

    love is like the windwith no rhythmit blows and all i knowis it comes and it goes loves always a sincuz everybody knowswe promise forever whenit comes and it goes offering our heartsthey take you by the throatand we’re the one who winswhen they come and they go they comeand they go loves a pointy…

  • I Am He Who Heeds When She Speaks

    every wordshe utterssends me writing books how can I capturean essenceso elusive hummingbirdsare put to shameby the maneuversof her plume she generatesrhythms that alterthe altersof the oldestand most stubborn she puts a fresh coat of painton the templeof a brand new mind such geniusof eloquencein a form so vivid color runs screaming in suicide it…

  • Climbing Vines for Signs of the Divine

    It is the hours darkest momentswhen I turn my thoughts to you painful though they may bebut it is a pain born of beautyand that is what makes man and so for youI stand erect, joyous, and allowthat which grows and breathes to be I among the currents of the cloudsthe mountains, the forests, and…

  • Hurt and Alert

    you are a slight flavor of poison my love, you are a bungee corda roller coastera deep addiction my love, you are a swig of the bottlea spin of the barrela dodge of the bullet my love, you are a fierce jumpthrough the hoop of flamea leapingfrom the waterfalla plummet to the depths my love,…

  • (un)Altered

    my lovewe are carriedupon the backs of beaststo a sacred templeupon a mountainand the alter has been polished it awaits our ceremonyour union my lovethere is no edifice that truly mattersmatter matters not but upon this earth we areand so we must perform our duties my loveI am devoted to you in a mannerbeyond mannerism…

  • Ban Me to Be a Banshee

    The ghost of our loveimplores me take me home, return meto your heart The ghost of our lovewhispers to me Do not discard me among the flowers of the fieldthe shells in the surfthe gravel in the road Do not empty my basketand leave the blanketin the rain The ghost of our loveweeps Where are…

  • Love Addiction

    I stumblein search of our lovestill high on the fumesof what was I’m sorryI threwsuch a fitplease, my lovejust one more hit the mountains manifest between ushas slowly dissolved my lustI know love requires friendship and trustand an affinity for feelings discussed I’m sorry I pulled out the rugplease my love, just one more hug…